Our teachers know their students and work with them to help them realise their potential as learners. Our focus on authentic learning and authentic assessment ensures that we challenge our students to grow in their learning and achieve their personal best.

Throughout our community of Sydney Catholic schools, we have shown high performance of our students in measures such as NAPLAN and the HSC.

At St Francis of Assisi Regional Catholic Primary School Paddington positive learning environments are created to generate successful learners, who embrace challenge, apply effort, persevere and achieve. This growth mindset is essential for accomplishment in knowledge and ability as students grow and change over time. Assessment is seen as a critical part of learning and a key tool in challenging students and measuring their success.

Our assessments include ‘running records’ for reading, Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) for Maths and English, writing analysis, and NAPLAN tests.

As a Newman Selective school, we identify gifted and talented students through a variety of testing measures examining achievement, aptitude and ability.

Throughout our community of Sydney Catholic schools, we have shown consistently high performance of our students in measures such as NAPLAN. This is a testament to the high-quality differentiated learning provisioned at our school.

Students demonstrating successful learning growth and dedicated application are acknowledged and celebrated through our weekly assembly awards.